For Students: Graduates
Students who are interested in pursuing graduate training with Dr. Boseovski and/or Dr. Marcovitch are encouraged to contact us directly via email to express interest. Students must apply formally to the program via the Graduate School at UNCG. Below, we provide: (a) specific information about graduate studies in the DUCK Lab, and (b) general information about our psychology graduate program at UNCG.
(a) Developmental Psychology in the DUCK Lab
A variety of research opportunities
We study a variety of topics in social and cognitive development, including trait attribution, theory of mind, stereotyping and prejudice, peer relations, selective social learning, memory and rule use, conscious control, and executive functioning. Although most of our work addresses basic research questions, we also have some applied interests.
Learn about our research collaboration with the Greensboro Science Center →
Given our broad range of interests, students have considerable flexibility in terms of choosing an area of research to pursue, and we encourage all of our students to develop multiple research interests.
Excellent facilities and strong support for research
We have a highly productive laboratory with multiple testing rooms for in-house data collection. In addition, we have strong links to community preschools, child care centers and schools. Our lab manager helps our graduate students to recruit their participants, and we also offer our graduate students the opportunity to involve and mentor undergraduate students as research assistants.
Mentorship model of graduate studies
We follow a mentor-apprentice model in which we foster the development of students’ skills through regular student-advisor meetings. Over time, students gain an increasing level of independence that culminates in the development of their own unique program of research. This type of training serves to prepare students well for academic or applied positions.
(b) Graduate Studies in Psychology at UNCG
A collaborative environment
In general, we are a highly collaborative department and several of our developmental faculty and students participate in joint research projects.
Intellectual stimulation
The department provides graduate students with a dynamic and intellectually stimulating research environment via colloquia, regular ‘brown bag’ lunch series in development and cognition, prestigious lectures such as the internationally recognized Kendon Smith Lecture Series, and ties to the Department of Human Development and Family Studies at UNCG. UNCG houses the Center for Youth, Family and Community Service Partnerships, and several of our faculty have been affiliated with the Carolina Consortium on Human Development at UNC-Chapel Hill. In recognition that we are unique and unparalleled among local educational institutions in our strong developmental emphasis, the university has also recently established the Child and Family Research Network, which will unite researchers from several centers and departments across the university to enhance our resources and encourage collaborations.
Social interaction
In addition to gaining valuable applied research skills, working at the DUCK Lab also offers a means for social connection. In addition to day-to-day interaction within the lab, we also make a point to enjoy time socially outside of the lab. One of our favorite ways to relax and unwind at the end of a busy semester is to enjoy treats at local bakery Maxie B's.
Conferences and Travel With Graduate Students

What Graduate Students Are Saying
The value of the lab experience is unique to each student. Here are what our graduate students have to say about training in the DUCK Lab:
“The UNCG Psychology Department offers a wonderful atmosphere for pursuing a graduate degree. The faculty and students are very collaborative and greatly support each other’s work. Everyone is excited about research and even faculty outside of your area are more than willing to sit down with you and discuss research ideas. There are many opportunities offered for professional advancement and learning through the many lecture series and colloquia put on by the department. In particular, you will have the opportunity to hear some of the biggest names in the field speak at the annual Kendon Smith Lecture Series. The graduate students admitted into the program form close bonds with their cohort and lab mates and faculty advisors strive to support their students as they progress through the program. This level of support and comradery in such a welcoming and stimulating environment makes UNCG stand out from other programs and a great choice for graduate studies.”
“One thing that I appreciate most in our department is the faculty’s enthusiasm for both discussing research and collaborating with graduate students on research projects. This positive attitude and close-knit culture encourage students to develop multiple aspects of their professional and research identities. Mentors with a true interest in students’ ideas are never in short supply. Specifically, working closely with two faculty members in our lab is an extra advantage, as it fosters the development of a well-rounded research program in child development. Additionally, both PIs encourage graduate students to develop and work on studies with other graduate students and support amazing opportunities for us to work closely with community resources, such as our local science center.”
“UNCG is an outstanding program that offers many benefits for graduate students. First, the department is made up of a close-knit group of faculty and students who are always excited to support each other’s research endeavors as well as work together on collaborative opportunities. Second, you can engage with faculty and other students building professional and personal relationships. This is especially true for the members of the DUCK Lab as we engage in many different social activities outside of the university. Third, our faculty members are sincerely committed to providing excellent training for their graduate students. They make a point to go above and beyond to ensure that all graduate students are well-trained in all of the tools that they need to be successful in the field of psychology.”
“One of the strengths of the UNCG psychology program is that it allows for a highly personalized graduate level education. In my time here, I have experienced the opportunities and support to expand and pursue my own research interests, as well as to collaborate on new ideas with others! I am eager to see what the remainder of my graduate career here at UNCG will bring. It is a great environment for personal and professional growth!”
More Information
Please feel free to contact us directly (see general and specific contact information).
See also the following helpful links:
Graduate School →
Department of Psychology →