New Lab Publications!

Congratulations to graduate students Kimmy Marble (advised by Dr. Janet Boseovski) and Jessica Caporaso (advised by Dr. Stuart Marcovitch) on the acceptance of their first-authored research articles!

Kimmy’s research article “Children’s Judgments of Cultural Expertise: The Influence of Cultural Status and Learning Method” was accepted for publication in The Journal for Genetic Psychology: Research and Theory on Human Development. The article is co-authored with Dr. Janet Boseovski and is based on Kimmy’s M.A. thesis project. Findings of the project revealed that preschool and early school-age children are sensitive to cultural immersion (as opposed to just cultural exposure) when it comes to learning about a foreign cultural practice and that they particularly value learning from people rather than text sources. Check out her article here.

Jessica’s research article “The Individual Contributions of Three Executive Function Components to Preschool Social Competence” was accepted for publication in Infant and Child Development. The article is co-authored with Drs. Janet Boseovski and Stuart Marcovitch, and revealed that cognitive control, and in particular, working memory, is an important predictor of how children are able to handle conflict with their peers. Understanding the specific skills that children need to obtain social competence is critical for developing targeted interventions for those who struggle in this area. Check out her article here.

Thank you to our DUCK families and community supporters for their important role in the process to conduct and publish our research!